Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Another Meaning of Gobak Sodor

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Business World Games reversed Gobak Sodor ..

In addition to being together, we can also learn to work together in a compact between a guard and another guard so that the opponent does not lose control to escape from the confines us. On the other hand for an excellent runner, there are still many doors that opens when one feels the gap has closed. Do not despair if one feels there is a guarded door, because there's another door that is ready to receive our arrival, the important thing we want to try and act immediately. Remember that there are always opportunities, although sometimes a little probability value.
In addition we can take lessons for the business world, in fact this game also contains a spiritual meaning.

Games Gobak the Spiritual Values of Sodor ....

"O my children, do not enter from one gate, but enter from different doors is different" (Q.12: 67)
Properties back and forth frequently associated with heart (in Arabic called qalb), because the location in the heart of faith, then the usual levels of faith are also sometimes like a wave going up and down, for that we must nurture our faith so that the linear rate to a level of perfection. This means that faith is a continuous struggle demand, without interruption.
On the way to the Absolute to open tabirnya, we need to follow the way (shariah). We may not be up to the absolute truth, because we are merely relative. Although it is not possible to reach the absolute truth, but we are required to consistently move toward the road that leads to Him. Sense of closeness to the Creator itself that makes us feel safe, peace and joy of faith (dzauq). The highest level of belief in this spirit can be understood through His Word:
"O thou soul of calm returned to the Lord with full willingness and given willingly, then join my servants, and enter into My Paradise" (Sura 89:27-30).


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